Within Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS), the Logos Program falls under the scope of an Alternative Program and therefore students enrolled in this program are deemed to be attending a non-designated school. Transportation for students attending a non-designated school may be available, but an ineligible transportation fee will apply. If the Logos Program school the student is attending is his/her designated school but the student lives less than 2.4 km from it, an ineligible transportation fee will also apply for transportation services. For all students whose Logos Program school is their designated school, and they live 2.4km or more from it, an eligible transportation fee will apply.

Transportation fee information is available on the EIPS website.

For further information or to find out if busing is available from your home address to your Logos Program school, contact Student Transportation at 780-417-8151. Information is also available at


1. How does EIPS know when I want to access transportation services for my child?

Once a student is registered in a Logos Program school, parents/guardians must contact Student Transportation at 780-417-8151 to inquire about transportation availability and to request these services. Parents/guardians will be notified of any applicable fees at that time.

2. How do I find my child’s designated school? How do I know how far away I live from my designated school?

Parents/guardians can determine their child’s designated school using the online Find My Designated School tool. After inputting the child’s grade and home address, the system will provide the child’s designated school and the distance from the home address to the school.

3. How do I know how far away I live from my Logos Program school?

When parents/guardians contact Student Transportation to inquire about transportation availability, transportation staff will advise if the distance between the home address and the Logos Program school is less than 2.4 km.

4. When will I know how much I owe in student transportation fees?

Parents/guardians who have registered their child in the Logos Program and contacted Student Transportation to request transportation services will receive an invoice from EIPS in May for the following school year’s fees.

5. When are transportation fees due?

Student Transportation fees are due June 30 of the year prior to the one in which the services are requested.