The Elk Island Logos Society hosts a variety of special events, including fundraisers, family fun, and school fellowship. We try to alternate years, with one year being a “fundraising year” and the next year focussed on bringing our families together.

Why fundraise?
The Elk Island Logos Society provides funding to all three Logos schools to assist with the implementation of the Logos Christian Program. Fundraising efforts provide: Bibles in the classrooms, Christian materials in the schools’ libraries, field trips with a Christian focus, chapel speakers, gifts for graduating students, Bible study materials, and more!

For scheduled chapels in each school, please visit our calendar or the school calendars.

No-Fuss Fundraiser
We like to offer a “No-Fuss Fundraiser” for families who prefer to contribute to the program without having to volunteer their time or purchase goods.  If you wish to make a monetary contribution to the program, please download and complete the contribution form below and submit it to your school Logos Representative. No-Fuss Contribution Form

We are always looking for people willing to help – whether by becoming a Board member, joining a planning committee, or helping just one time for a special event. Please CONTACT US.