Note to Parents:
Your Feedback matters. . . EIPS is inviting parents and staff to complete a brief survey to provide them with feedback regarding the Division’s Draft Policy 19, Welcoming, Caring, Respectful, and Safe Learning and Working Environments and what should be included in the student code of conduct.

Please follow the link that is posted on the EIPS website at to have your voice heard in regards to this policy. The survey is anonymous and will take roughly 10 minutes to complete. The survey closes March 2, 2016.
Please carefully read the draft and prayerfully consider your feedback.
We are so blessed to be a part of a school board that values our opinion, let’s remember to pray for those who are writing this policy and all those that the Lord has put in authority. Speaking of prayer, join us at our next prayer morning over a cup of coffee (or tea) at Cafe Haven, Monday, Feb 22, 8:45 am.

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