The Logos students at Sherwood Heights have signed up to serve a couple meals at the Edmonton Mustard Seed and will be having a bottle drive to help raise funds. Here’s what Mr. Bouwers has asked us to pass on!
Thanks to all of you who are excited to serve a meal at the Mustard Seed (Dec 6 and Feb 21). We are having a bottle drive to raise money for the meals (for 300 people) on Saturday Nov 4. We will meet at school at 10:00 AM . If any parents have a truck and can help to collect bottles that day please email me at Thanks again for your support. It would also be good to know who can participate that day as well.
Although we usually use Facebook and our website to get you information, the upcoming municipal election gives us an opportunity to see what the Public School Trustee candidates think with regard to the Logos program. Get your copy here:
Here’s some things of note from the September Board Meeting!
- Westboro Chapel – Sept 21 at 9am
- Brentwood Chapel – Sept 21 at 2:20 pm
- Sherwood Heights – See You at the Pole: Sept 27 at 8am
Logos financial statements have been audited and filed with the Alberta Government
Website and Facebook are being update regularly, so check often!
We are looking for parents who want to get involved in the “Bless Our Schools” program this year. Please contact
253 boxes of apples were sold in this year’s fundraiser! Thank you for your support. Remember the pickup date is September 22nd at your school. We are looking for some strong help with trucks in the late afternoon on the 21st to move apple boxes to each of the schools. Contact if you can help.
First prayer meeting of the year is September 18th at 9am. Go to the Prayer Page to find out more.